The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a new patent US 11/708,595 in the title of Nanostructured Biomimetic Protein Superconductive Devices of Making and Its Multiple Applications Thereto on July 25, 2023.
ABS gave an oral presentation of a new medical device for speeding-up the screening of S1 SARS CoV-2 inhibitor candidates
E. T. Chen, J. T. Thornton and S-H. Duh gave an oral presentation in the title of Nanostructured Biomimetic ACE2 Memristive Electrochemical Sensors Speed up the Screening of a S1 SARS CoV-2 Inhibitor Candidate ABS02 Compared with the Performance of Remdesivir at the TechConnect World conference on June 19, 2023 at the Gaylord Convention, Washington DC.
ABS presented a poster for AFM characterization of superconductive membranes
J. T. Thornton and E. T. Chen presented a poster in the title of A Decade Team Work in Pursuing Discoveries in Nanostructure Membrane Characterizations and Observations of the Friedel-oscillation by an AFM Method for Quantum Sensing and Energy Storage Applications at the TechConnect World Conference on June 20, 2023 at the Gaylord Convention, Washington DC.